Better Not Broken
A personalized consulting service by Stacey P. Meyers, Esq.
You can't predict what the future will hold, but you can prepare for it.
Love often blinds couples to the legal consequences of their actions. Awareness of how legal rights change after marriage could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, emotional trauma, and time.
Whatever your current circumstances are, Better Not Broken is a resource to help prepare you and strategize for the future. Through candid dialogue, it is my greatest hope that each client will be better, not broken, and ultimately reduce the risk of being hurt by fraud, abuse, and domestic violence.
Get in Touch
Disclaimer: All information displayed on the Better Not Broken website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you’re currently dealing with an individual legal situation, you’re invited to contact me through email. However, please be advised Better not Broken is exclusively a coaching service. Any and all exchanges with Better not Broken are not bound by attorney-client privilege as there is no attorney-client relationship. Please direct any and all inquiries and appointment requests to the email provided below.